Saturday 21 March 2015

Walk Your Way to Good Body, Mind, and Soul

I used to do a lot of running until my knees started hurting too much.  So I had to give up running and took up walking instead which was far more gentler on my knees, my heart and body.

What I found was that by walking not only was it better for me but I actually was able to enjoy the scenery around me.  It helped me to clear my mind and I was able to practice mindfulness. 

So not only did I benefit from still being able to stay fit and slim, it also helped me to de-stress. Mindfulness is  also a great way to lower blood pressure,  other life-threatening diseases and depression.

Walking is easy to do and you can do it anywhere.

I hope you enjoy the following article by David Jackson.


Article Source: David W Jackson

Walking offers excellent benefits in various aspects-physically, mentally, and even emotionally or spiritually. It is a simple activity that offers a myriad of benefits in well-being of a person. It transcends age, gender, status in life, and race. Anyone can go for a walk. Young or old alike; men and women; poor or rich and; any nationality.

The most apparent benefit is of course, in one's health, it is after all the cheapest form of exercise. It reduces the risks of several medical conditions or disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, bone fractures, arthritis among many more. For the weight-conscious, walking is one of the easiest ways to shed those unwanted pounds.

Through walking, you can burn more calories and have lesser body fat. 
Unknown to many, the more strenuous or high-impact exercises such as running and jogging are not as effective as walking in burning calories. In order to burn more fat, a person's body should exercise at a slower pace or lower levels of physical exertion, thus walking is the most ideal. Unlike other forms of exercise such as sports like tennis and basketball that offer high bursts but short-lived energy, walking offers a steady and consistent supply of energy.

Walking, especially long walks, clears the mind. 
Thus it is good for one's mental health as well. Brisk walk for instance eases away stress, depression and anxiety. A long leisurely walk on the other hand, is a spirit-booster especially if you have your loved one or pet as companion. It also helps to walk where there is great scenery and peaceful environment, which helps set a relaxed mood.

Walking is good spiritually also because there is now such a thing called meditation walking. 
This can be achieved easily because walking provides an opportunity for a person to commune with not only nature but with one's inner self. It clears the mind of problems and other negative emotions, thus it is good for the soul.

Walking need not be a rigid or boring fitness routine. 
It can be fun. It can be done anywhere you are-around the block in your neighborhood, in the park, in the beach, in the shopping mall, around your office building or anywhere there is something to walk on. It would not cost you a thing also. In fact, it can even save you some gasoline or fare money. During times like these when the prices of gasoline and diesel are soaring, walking to and from your school, office or other places is very practical and convenient.

Walking is truly a healthy habit to cultivate among every one. 
Even kids can benefit from it because it is an outlet for their boundless energy. Thus your precocious toddler can doze off after a short walk. It promotes good sleep and appetite to both old and young in fact. So what are you waiting for? Put on those comfortable shoes and walk your way to healthy body, mind, and spirit. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain.


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Isabella ❤

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