Friday 27 December 2013

How To Boost Self Esteem

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In this article it talks about journalling your feelings to help to boost your self esteem, ridding you of negative emotions. This is what I have been doing since my emotional breakdown seven years ago. 
At that time my journal was full of all the anger, hurts, depression entries. However what I noticed over time was as I started releasing the negative energy patterns my journal entries changed to all the positive things that started happening in my life. It really turned my life around. I highly recommend journally to raise your vibration to a positive state of being.

I wish you success in letting go of the negatives in your life and start embracing the positives that will come your way.


Destructive Emotions Are Emotions That Don't Benefit You Or Anyone Else

Article source: Self-Esteem Building
Feeling destructive emotions all the time will drain you of your energy. If you’re always feeling sad, angry, frustrated, unworthy, incapable, unloving and unappreciated then your energy is going to be super low.

And this is just a small list of damaging emotions; there are many, many more that most people feel every day.

Now you can see why some people are so hostile. Or why some people have road rage. Or even worse, why some people commit suicide.

Learn how to stop feeling these dark emotions

First of all, you must become aware of these feelings and recognize them for what they are - thoughts.

Yes, your thoughts play a huge role in determining your feelings. So if you're having negative and unhealthy thoughts all day, every day then you're going to experience very destructive emotions.

You’re going to experience very unhealthy relationships with others and you might even experience very intense situations too. All this is caused by what you’re continually telling yourself with your thoughts.

From now on, as soon as you catch yourself stuck in a negative thought pattern I want you to make a sudden move with your body.

This could be a fast clap with your hands or a set of 10 jumping jacks. Now if you're around other people during this time you can do something more discreet. Not necessary but optional.

Myself, I’ve been known to do some pretty weird stuff in front of people when I want to change the direction of the conversation or the entire situation.

But if you wanted to, you could try snapping your fingers in the air and saying AHA, like you just remembered something very important.

That really wouldn’t be a lie either because your emotional state is very important to your overall well being.

Or you could just remove yourself from the crowd and use that as a way of changing your thoughts. Once you do this a few times you’ll know what works best for you.

You can also use Journaling as a way to ease or eliminate destructive emotions

Journaling is a great way to release negative thoughts, build self esteem, let go of past hurts and a host of other benefits. If you continue to have the same thoughts over and over again about a certain situation or event then write about it.

This will not only help you put your thoughts into perspective but you'll also feel a sense of calmness from finally getting them “off your chest” so to speak.

Journaling is a very therapeutic activity. It really doesn't matter what you're dealing with either journaling is always helpful.

I know for me personally, journaling has helped me get through some of my most difficult times.

When you're full to the very top with these dark and critical emotions your life seems to be in shambles.

If you're in that place, it’s worth it to give journaling a try.

Physical activity will also help you clear your mind of destructive emotions

I’m not really talking about hard strenuous exercise here. That kind of activity can sometimes fuel your negative feeling if you stew on them while you’re exercising.

What I’m referring to, is more of a relaxing and enjoyable activity, like drawing or painting for example.

Any activity that allows you to “take your mind off it” will work. And for everybody that activity is different.

Some final thoughts

Destructive emotions thrive in an unaware mind. If you're constantly reacting to life instead of responding to life then you are living with an unaware mind.

If I was you, I'd give one, two, or all three of these suggestions a try. Your emotions also play a huge role in your quality of life. Living a life heavily burdened by unhealthy emotions will produce a poor quality of life.

Get rid of them!

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