Tuesday 24 December 2013

Are You Open To Abundance?

In this article you will understand why it is important to focus on what you want and not to focus on what you don't want.  Sure it is a good idea to know what you don't want and from that find out what you actually do want and give that your total focus.  "What you focus on all day long is what you create".  
When I moved to Rome, which had been my dream for years, I realized that, though I loved Rome, my heart really wanted to live by the beach on the Gold Coast, Australia.  So then that became my focus.  A few months later I was given the opportunity to house-sit a house on the Gold Coast by a friend. This was an awesome opportunity as at the time I had no idea how I was going to find an apartment easily whilst living in Rome. But because my focus was on moving back to Australia and living on the Gold Coast the Universe manifested the perfect solution.  
Now my focus is on building an online business in Personal Development helping others to believe in themselves that they too can become powerful manifesters and succeed in life. 
May you be as blessed in manifesting your dreams/goals/desires.
Isabella Manetti
Article source: rjgraham
Many of us are not. We hear on TV how bad things are all the time and we buy into that. But what we are really doing is pushing our abundance away from us. None of us would want to do that consciously. We all want the best for ourselves. But we do live in a negative society and that affects us. 
Unemployment is rampant, crime is huge, debt is overflowing. Are things really that bad? I don’t think so. There is opportunity out there, but we need to search for it and recognize it when we find it and then take advantage of it. If we feel everything is so bad, we tend not to see the good when it comes our way.
There are people out there who are pursuing abundance. You get what you focus on. You draw it to you. Positive thinking is not enough. You need to manifest your abundance. It needs to be real, so real that you see it in your bank account, feel it in the car you are driving and the house you are living in, luxuriate in it with the free time to do whatever you want. You may be asking yourself, is that really possible? Yes it is!
Technology has made this possible. There are systems out there that can help you create abundant success in less time per day to free up hours for you to pursue your dreams, something you may not have time to do while you are working at your job. Imagine being able to make the short commute to your computer daily while you are in your robe and drinking your coffee. Think of helping others and the fulfillment that could bring, instead of dealing with a nasty boss in a hostile work environment. It is up to you!
It is so important today to do your research to see what really resonates with you. Your inner self, the core of your being, knows what is right for you. Listen to it! It will never steer you wrong. Be open to exploring the possibilities. You never know what you might find.
When I think of happiness, I think of a dog wagging their tail, giving me their paw, just enjoying their company romping in the park. The small things in life are really the big things. Those special moments, those scrumptious memories. They are the quilt of your lifetime. Don’t you want more of those wonderful times?
Years ago I saw a speaker who spoke about abundance and being open to it. His real demeanor really touched me and I have never forgotten him. All he said was, Be Open To Receive. Open your palms facing upward and let the Universe flood in its’ abundance. The speaker was named Bijan. His book Effortless Prosperity really spoke to me. We are trying so hard to create what we want, but with all this trying, are we really pushing it away? Are we repelling our goals and dreams? It is food for thought. Only you can answer this, but it is a very good point to explore.
What comes to my mind is a baby. They are pure love, so open. I love to be around them. Just their being is so entrancing and charismatic. They draw you in. Start magnetizing your dream life to you. You have the power to do it! You are massively powerful. Let the universe give to you everything you desire without delay. It is out there for you, waiting to flood in when your internal picture matches the external abundance. Tap that power right away!

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